Crossword Express

Price: $1
Hop Aboard Your Ticket to P-L-A-Y
Fast track your D-A-Y with a $1 express ticket to fun. Crossword Express Scratchers® spells out F-U-N with tickets in three colors and up to eight chances to win A TOP PRIZE OF $100!
Game Number: 1617
Overall odds: 1 in 4.82
Cash odds: 1 in 9.32
Odds and Available Prizes
Last Updated Mar 13, 2025 02:45:25 a.m.
This table reflects all Scratchers prizes for this game. After game start, some prizes, including top prizes, may have been claimed. Odds are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Go to Scratchers 2nd Chance program to submit your non-winning tickets for another way to win!
Prizes | Odds 1 in | Prizes Remaining |
$100 | 700 | 11,550 of 34,715 |
$20 | 401 | 20,923 of 60,627 |
$10 | 133 | 64,227 of 182,373 |
$5 | 60 | 147,423 of 404,557 |
$3 | 48 | 192,057 of 506,324 |
$2 | 17 | 560,776 of 1,417,205 |
Ticket | 10 | 1,069,754 of 2,429,016 |
- PLAY INSTRUCTIONS: Scratch "YOUR 18 LETTERS" box to reveal your 18 letters.
- Scratch the corresponding letters on the CROSSWORD PUZZLE.
- If you uncover 2 or more complete words in the CROSSWORD PUZZLE, you win the prize indicated in the PRIZE KEY.
- Letters forming a word filling a complete word space can only be used to form one complete WORD (e.g. "BEE" and "HIVE" within "BEEHIVE" are considered only one complete WORD).
- Only highest prize won paid per ticket.
$100,000 TOTAL in Scratchers 2nd Chance Weekly Pool Draws
If your Scratchers ticket isn't an instant winner, submit your non-winning Scratchers ticket into 2nd Chance for another opportunity to win cash prizes in a weekly draw.
There are two simple ways to enter your ticket into 2nd Chance. Submit your ticket on the website by entering the first 13 digits of your entry code (see 1 below) and first 7 digits of your ticket ID (see 2 below). Or, for a fast and easy way to play, submit your ticket on the California Lottery mobile app by scanning the barcode (see 3 below).
Check out the Scratchers 2nd Chance program for more information.

How To Claim Your Prize
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